Track My Job App 🚀

Simplify your job search with our free tool. Never lose track of an application again!

🔥 Features

Job Tracking 📝

Follow your applications through every stage of the process, from application to interview to offer and acceptance.

Job Alerts 🚨

Get alerted when a job has been in the same stage for too long, or if the job listing page is removed. Stay in the loop!

Job Archiving 🗂️

Not interested in a job anymore? Archive it to keep your list clean and organized.

⚡️ Why use Track My Job App?

Stop relying on confusing spreadsheets and endless email threads. Track My Job App makes managing your job search easy and stress-free.

🎁 Get Started Now!

Join the hundreds of job seekers who are simplifying their search. Sign up now — it's free!

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